irisnation Singapore Pte Ltd

Industry: Marketing & advertising
Trading Region: Asia-Pacific
Skills/Specialities: Advertising, content, PR & influencer management, experiential, digital, sports marketing, loyalty & CRM, B2B, sponsorships & partnerships

For the forward

Back in 1999, Iris was founded by a team of six people around a single client. Those six founders are still at the very heart of our business. Today, Iris is a thriving micro network of over 1,000 people in 14 locations across the globe, delivering a multitude of fully integrated specialisms within creative, consulting, and mar-tech to some of the most progressive clients around the world.

Filling in the role of bold challenger in the agency marketplace, Irisnation helps their clients find competitive advantage in the face of change and disruption. They are "for the forward", likeminded, progressive individuals who are only interested in moving things forward, and brands and businesses who realize that maintaining the status quo, is a dangerous thing to do.

Their APAC hub and home of creative innovation is Irisnation Singapore, the premier agency in Asia. Their bustling office here fuses the best in their blend of skills and services. From Advertising to B2B, Creative to Content, Data to Digital, they have the smarts and creative firepower to meet the needs of clients in the world’s fastest growing markets.



Fiji Airways "Fly Direct to Happiness"

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The Team

