Custom Stands

Unique to your brand

A custom designed an d produced exhibition stand is bespoke to your brand. A unique experience can be tailored to your presence at an event. Integrate your branding, style and message from the ground up, into th e space above, and maximise your return on investment.

With over 20  years of experience producing some of Australia's best exhibits and displays, Exposure Group has a deep insight into the leading strategies for marketing events. We will work with you from inception to delivery to provide the display you need to achieve your marketing communication goals.

A custom exhibition stand can serve many purposes, whether it’s showcasing or selling a product, communicating with consumers, educating your target audience or all of the above. To do any of these things well, you need to engage your audience through compelling interactions and a clearly conveyed message. Custom-built displays are designed with that message in mind throughout the entire process.

Exposure's exhibition stands can be used in any environment, as we tailor them to suit you. Our range includes conference stands, trade show booths and exhibition displays.


Custom exhibition stands at trade shows and conferences maximise sale opportunities and inform a targeted audience about your product.

Industry research shows that 54% of visitors to trade shows come specifically to see new products and services, and 83% of visitors have the authority to purchase or influence buying decisions. This makes these events the perfect time to showcase your company.

Your enterprise, products and people are on display the entire time, and the right stand can increase visitor numbers while boosting their engagement with your product. A knock-out booth also inspires conversation about your business at the trade show and beyond.


Custom exhibition stands are no longer static, but rather interactive, providing your target audience with the opportunity to actively engage with your products and services. A low-quality stand may result in missed sales opportunities. Eye-catching designs and interactive displays, on the other hand, can help communicate your organisation’s message in an effective and compelling way.

With just over half of executive decision-makers requesting that a sales representative visit their company following the show, you need a booth that displays your product in the best way possible. A customised exhibition stand that directly engages your demographic can help ensure you are one of the executive decision maker’s first calls.

Exhibit designers increasingly integrate new technologies into custom-built booths. For example, mobile applications can work in tandem with your display to maximise sales potential by helping attendees peruse your catalogue, share product information and guide them through the buying process. Exposure's stands use a range of high-tech supplies, including advanced materials and construction techniques, audiovisual and IT, electrical and lighting to create a memorable and effective presentation.

We understand the importance of being environmentally conscious, which is why we choose eco-friendly products when possible, such as green printer technologies. While creating custom exhibition stands to your specifications, we can source sustainable materials that meet the needs of your project.

Both to benefit the environment and boost your return on investment (ROI), we love to re-use elements from your previous stands for your next project. In fact, many of our custom-built booths are used for years, requiring just a touch-up or some new graphics now and then to freshen the look.

Brands from around the world chose to work with Exposure Group to ensure they get the right exposure for their brand at events globally.


Our teams have worked with enterprises of all sizes – small businesses, multinational companies, marketing agencies and events organisations – to create projects that fit each client’s needs. During the design process, we will work with your company and its overall communications strategy to deliver a state-of-the-art custom display. Once you are happy with the plan, we move onto production, which is done in our factory by our talented team of carpenters, cabinetmakers, painters, metal workers, electricians and graphics producers. Our own print production facility has more than 19 years’ experience with a range of formats. From there, the graphics team brings your design to life.

“Attention to detail, preparedness and constant solution-based approach have made this a flawless execution process – a dream for any marketing professional! We work with many other agencies and suppliers on various different components on our marketing mix and have often been met with comments like, ‘We can’t source that,’ or, ‘We can’t do that because of X,'” said  “It is a delight to work with such a team of professionals who constantly think ‘outside the box’ on solutions to issues.”

If you need a high-quality display made to your specifications, Exposure Group can help. Call our team with your design needs.

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