Retail Spaces

At the pointy end of sales

Our offerings go far beyond  exhibition booth design . The same technical expertise, production facilities and insight into the best approaches enable us to create a wide range of marketing structures to assist clients with their goals.

Point of sale (POS) displays, kiosks and pop-up stores are a few examples of Retail Spaces. Because we’re able to custom-build displays to any specifications, venue, purpose and budget, we have the flexibility to deliver structures that meet very specific needs.

Maybe your organisation is coming out with a new product and would like to give it that added boost to capture more attention in stores. Perhaps you’re running an up-and-coming business and don’t yet have permanent floor space. Or maybe you’d like to take advantage of seasonal shopping or outdoor trade shows and need to construct a display you can take with you.

Whatever your needs, our POS and retail services are a great place to start. We’ll meet with you to discuss your objectives and unique requirements, and then brainstorm ideas to set your products, brand and organisation apart.


We may like to believe we don’t judge books by their covers or fall under the influence of creative product placement, but we do. There’s definitely truth to the old saying that presentation is everything. Savvy retailers and manufacturers learn to leverage this fact to their advantage, creating eye-grabbing displays, enticing presentations and creative looks to make an impact on shoppers passing by.

Our POS displays do just that. We’ve developed and built a broad range of structures for companies to display their products in strategic locations – where consumers are most likely to make purchase decisions.

These structures could be as simple as an elevated platform. By certain makes and models of kitchen appliances a little higher than the rest, for instance, stores can strategically draw attention to promotions and exciting offerings. These stands could also include branding and helpful information to communicate more benefits and better develop a company’s image.

More elaborate possibilities include stands for showcasing coffee machines, for instance. With the right layout, materials and equipment, these displays could allow customers to try out the product, enabling them to brew espresso and fill the store with that distinctive, delicious aroma.


Kiosks – which can take the form of carts, walk-through display areas or booths – are most commonly found in shopping areas such as malls. However, we create kiosks for just about any type of venue and duration. For instance, we’ve created mobile showrooms for brands to take on the road and set up shop in parks and a variety of other outdoor locations. 

Whether your store is taking advantage of less expensive rent for floor space or wants to increase its presence during the holiday shopping season, we can create the branded structures you need to display your product and attract traffic to your area.

Although some organisations plan to maintain their kiosks for an extended period of time, others seek portability and flexibility to establish pop-up kiosks in temporary locations. Sometimes, this means they’ll use the structure on a regular basis – such as for an annual show – whereas others might be created for specific promotions or one-time displays that last a set period of time.

After learning about the purpose and intention of the display, we can advise on the appropriate structure, design and materials to ensure it has just the right durability, flexibility and portability to achieve client goals. No matter the strategy, our design and production teams deliver highly polished, professional and eye-catching displays time and time again.


No matter what your specific needs and goals are, our team of talented designers, project managers and production experts will work with you to develop a plan that will help you succeed.

Our clients frequently express how much they enjoy the process of working with us – and that’s something we’re proud of and committed to uphold. We maintain open lines of communication from the very beginning to ensure we understand the purpose and specs of each project. That way, we can create plans, timelines and budgets that always deliver on expectations.

It is this approach that enables us to be so flexible in the POS displays and kiosks we build. With the whole range of materials and tools we have on-hand for trade show booths in our production facilities, we have the capacity to put together an incredibly broad range of structures in a very efficient manner.

Our team members thrive on creative ideas and new challenges, so we’re always happy to think outside the box and consider new ways to take your product displays and showrooms to the next level.

Whether you’re looking for something similar to the displays in our portfolio or would like to discuss something a little different, contact us today to talk more about your goals, challenges and ideas.

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