Rheinmetall (Germany) Rheinmetall Aktiengesellschaft

Industry: Defence
Size: 23,726 staff
Trading Region: Global
Skills/Specialities: Weapon and Ammunition, Electronic Solutions, Vehicle Systems


Dear Jacky, As mentioned on site already, we were very satisfied with the performance of the Exposure Group team both during the planning and preparation phase as well as during build-up. We particularly liked the open dialogue and swift communication, despite 8 time zones between Australia and Germany and your willingness to accommodate even last minute requests from our side. Personally, I am quite impressed by the steep learning curve that led to a very good result for a first project. I see this as an excellent basis for further collaboration in the Asia/Pacific area, which will be a business focus for us in the coming years - Head of Corporate Marketing


Rheinmetall @ Singapore Airshow

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Rheinmetall @ German Japanese Cooperation @ Defence & Security Technology Forum

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